The Difference - American and European Roulette 06 May 2024

The casino world has several popular games including slots and a variety of table games. Among the table games, there is roulette which comes with plenty of variants to suit different player tastes and preferences.

But the two most popular versions of roulette are American roulette and European roulette.

On the surface, they seem the same and they are in some ways. Although, when you look deeper, you will notice that they have differences.

In this article, you will learn about the differences and similarities between American and European roulette so you can make the best selection.

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The major differences and similarities 

The major differences between the two versions of roulette are broadly categorised into the number of pockets, house edge, number of bets, order of wheel numbers, rules and bets.

Number of pockets

American roulette has 38 pockets while European roulette has 37 pockets. The pockets have three colours which are red, black and green.

Both versions have the same number of red and black pockets at 36. The only difference is when it comes to the green pockets where American roulette has 2 green numbers while European roulette has 1 green pocket.

House edge

One of the most noticeable differences between the two roulette variations. The house edge for American roulette almost doubles the one for European roulette.

The American house edge is 5.26% while the European is 2.70%. The reason for this difference is the extra 00 number.

You do not have to worry about payout differences as they are similar for both versions. For a red/black bet, the odds are 1:1 while a straight number bet is 35:1. They are also similar for other bets such as corner, basket and street.

There’s a catch though. The extra zeros decrease the odds of American roulette.

Order of wheel numbers

Besides the extra zeros, the two versions have different orders for their numbers on the wheel. The order of numbers from 1 to 36 are unique to each version plus the American version has two extra pockets for the zeros.

Rules and bets

One of the unique rules of European roulette is the en-prison rule. This means that where you place an even money bet and land a zero, your money is left on the table.

More so, you get another chance to spin the wheel again for the chance to win.

The en prison rule also has a unique house edge which is 1.35% from 2.70%.

Two other bets differentiate the two roulette versions. The call bet and the five-number bet which is exclusive to each roulette version.

The call bet is exclusive to European and French roulette. They cover specific sections of the roulette wheel for both European and French roulette.

The sections include voisins du zéro, orphelins and tiers du cylindre.

The five-number bet is based on five numbers. They are 1, 2, 3, 0 and 00. The bet also comes with a catch of a higher house bet.

The house bet is 7.89% and is the only bet that permanently carries a different house bet from the other bets in the game.


European roulette is a better choice if you are looking for better odds. But if you are feeling patriotic, lucky or have no other option, American roulette may be your choice.


American roulette European roulette French roulette table games casino bet house edge odds rules wheel

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